Physical address: Jawahar Marg, Old City, Mahidpur Dist. Ujjain
# Regarding
We offer legal advice and solution
She is an Advocate enrolled in the rolls of state Bar council of Madhya Pradesh with enrollment No. MP/4260/2021 and dealing in Property Laws,Business Laws and also in Criminal Defense and known for her expertise for cross Examination of the Witness during Trial. She is quick minded in making her way to solution to the complex legal problem. She is handling cases in High Courts Indore and various other Courts. Adv. Priya Saklecha’s legal knowledge enables her to provide complete legal services and overall aspect to any business.
She has extensive skills in using Latest IT Technology in the legal Practice and Research.
Her extensive knowledge of legal prudence in civil and criminal law enabled her to advice client with an overall perspective for achieving the best results.